12 july 2022


Frozen crab were sent to the Russian far east along the Northern sea rout for the first time

About 670 tons of frozen crab products were sent from Murmansk to the Far East along the Northern Sea Rout. The Antey Group sent a unique cargo on a Sevmorput nuclear-powered ship with the support of the companies “Atomflot” and “Dalreftrans”. This crab delivery rout from the North to the Far East is used for the first time.

Antey Group was forced to develop new logistic chains due to imposed sanctions. Today it is more profitable to deliver cargo to Asian countries by Arctic routes than by the Southern rout.

The second shipment is planned to be sent along the Sevmorput in a few months. Now Antey Group intends to transport live crab products from Murmansk to the Far East.