15 august 2022


New challenges: live crabs were delivered from Murmansk region to Moscow for the first time

A pilot project for the transportation of live crab from the northwest of Russia to Moscow by highways was successfully implemented by the specialists of the Antey Group.

Eight tons of opilio snow crabs were caught in the waters of the Barents Sea and delivered in two truck containers to special fish tank with sea water near Sheremetyevo Airport.

For the pilot project, standard Eurocubes were upgraded and mechanical blocks of life support systems were connected to them.

The cars covered the way from Murmansk to Moscow in 28 hours. Special cargo was accompanied by specialists who monitored the operation of life support systems. Now the crabs will stay for several days in a special “hotel” – fish tank with sea water. As soon as they adapt, the cargo will be sent by airlines to the countries of Southeast Asia.